Tuesday, February 15, 2011

[FunOnTheNet] Tree of Life, Bahrain



Tree of Life, Bahrain [11 Attachments]


Tree of Life, Bahrain


The Tree of Life in Bahrain is a remarkable natural phenomenon that is witnessed by most who visit Bahrain. The Tree of Life stands alone with almost majestic flair, miles away from other vegetation and with no apparent source of water. 

The Tree of Life in Bahrain is a mesquite tree that has grown at the highest point in Bahrain for over 400 years. The mystery of the survival of the tree has made it a legend.

The local inhabitants believe with heart and soul that this was the actual location of the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life or Sharajat-al-Hayat, as the Arabs call it, is located 1.2 miles or 2 kilometers away from Jebel Dukhan. The tree stands lonely in the heart of desert, on top of a 25-foot-high sandy hill. The tree of life has continued growing-despite the extremities of the climate. At present it is 32 feet in height.

The tree's source of water is mystery. Plant scientist may say that its roots go very deep and wide to get water from the reserves of sweet springs kilometers away. The Bedouins believe that Enki, the mythical God of water, had showered its blessing.

The pictures below have captions from a poem .

qK9cr Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of life, bahrain, road sign

The Tree

"What Is a Tree?
Well doubtless he
Who dwells in city streets by choice May never know..."
dfd6U Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of life, bahrain, phone lines, Photo: Harold Laudeus

".. But souls that breathe expanding life outdoors
Know trees as brothers, friends; and feel aglow
With kindred fellowship and common voice..."
And7Q Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of Life, Bahrain. Photo: Omar Chatriwala

".. Yes, bees do know
And birds have made
The trees their lifelong homes
And what is nearer or more intimately ours than home? .."
qTgrU Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of Life, Bahrain, close-up photo: Pricey

".. What is a tree?
The soul of God!
4O59F Tree of Life, Bahrain
Graffiti on the Tree of Life, Bahrain. Photo: Glenn Rose

".. Whose budding leaves and blossoms in the Spring
Bespeak Creation..."
NJKhE Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of Life, Bahrain. Photo: Omar Chatriwala

".. Whose shade in Summer cools
The burning heat of life and brings us peace; .."
Oheam Tree of Life, Bahrain
Watching desert from under the Tree of Life. Photo: thinkingjosh

".. Whose bronzing colors in the Autumn landscape glow
With pride of fruitfulness, God's bounty, man's maturity..."
TJkdV Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of Life, Bahrain stands alone. Photo: kollege

".. Whose bare strong arms in Winter steadfast hold
Against- the ice and storms of life when courage sags
When green and sap of youth have lost their bold
Firm power and interest lags..."
lrIFO Tree of Life, Bahrain
Evening comes to the Tree of Life, Bahrain. Photo: Shane T. McCoy/wikicommons

".. What is a tree?
Oh! Yes, I know! 'Tis God..."
LYCPn Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of Life and the setting Sun. Photo: Harold Laudeus

".. 'Tis His own way to speak His majesty, .."
SUdaC Tree of Life, Bahrain
Tree of Life, Bahrain at sunset. Photo: Alex Europa

".. His voice, His power, His love, His mystery.. .." -G. THoMAs DUNLOP



Attachment(s) from Saman Rathnayake

10 of 11 Photo(s) (View all Photos)


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