Monday, February 21, 2011

[FunOnTheNet] Science....


A day made of Glass...
2.-  Video clip : International Space station comes together

3.- Wind-powered car sets records in a 3,100-mile road test




By Ryan Fleming,


Two German inventors have created an electric vehicle that recharges the battery through a wind turbine carried in the car. To test the vehicle, the duo recently completed a 3,100-mile trek across Australia.

It is almost like German adventurers Dirk Gion and Stefan Simmerer saw the latest models of electric cars, and decided to see if they could go out and make the manufacturers feel bad. In a move that will have green aficionados cheering and gearheads gently weeping at the state of the world, a new electric car powered by a wind turbine has just been unleashed into the Australian wilds.




The vehicle, known as the Wind Explorer, uses an electric battery similar to those found in most of the current generation of electric cars like the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf, but rather than needing to plug in every night, the Wind Explorer comes standard with a 20-foot retractable bamboo mast that holds a wind turbine to charge the battery. The Wind Runner can also be powered—or perhaps more accurately "dragged"—by a kite, assuming of course that there is ample wind. The result is a lightweight electric car that weighs under 500 pounds and has a top speed of 55 miles an hour, all with close to zero emissions.



Dirk Gion and Stefan Simmerer

The Wind Explorer uses an 8kWh lithium-ion battery, similar to what most electric cars are packing; the difference is in the means of charging the battery. Although it has a plug to charge the battery from the power grid, the real focus of the Wind Explorer is the wind turbine. When the car is in need of a charge, the drivers hoist a 20-foot collapsible mast, housed in a special compartment that runs between the driver and passenger seat, and the turbine begins to charge the battery. Once fully charged, the vehicle averaged close to 250 miles before needing to be recharged.

The exact length of time it took to recharge the battery using a wind turbine varies with conditions, but from the grid, it typically recharges at a rate of 20-percent per hour at maximum input.

To test their new eco-mobile, the Germans travelled to Australia, where they planned to drive (and sail) the Wind Explorer from the southwestern Australian town of Albany, head east on the southern coast, and arrive in Sydney on the southeastern tip of the continent to the cheers of a handful, and the bewildered stares of most. The entire trip took 18 days, covered 3,100 miles and set a handful of world records, including being the first wind-powered vehicle to cross a continent, the longest overall distance covered for a wind-powered vehicle on land, and the longest distance covered in 36 hours by a wind-powered vehicle, as well as several others in the same vein. The trip across Australia also marks the first nearly emission-free trip across a continent in a vehicle. Even horses, which some might consider green in a sense, emit more pollution from the methane in their waste than the Wind Explorer.


4.- Our Earth is beautiful from above, and from below too.
The following space photos are all visible on Astro_Wheels' twitpic account, and we are eternally grateful to him for sharing these space photos with the world. Many have commented directly to him but we want to make it clear Triggerpit does not have any affiliation with Astronaut Wheelock nor NASA. The confusion might have been since all the captions are all his own words as can also be seen on his twitpic account.[29 Pictures
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Go Discovery!
It was October 23, 2007 at 11:40am EST when I had my first ride to space on Discovery. She's beautiful... just sad that this will be her last voyage. Looking forward to climbing aboard the flight deck when Discovery arrives at the Space Station in November. (9-23-2010). Space Photo: Larry Tanner, NASA. Special thanks:
Bethbeck's blog
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Space photo: 'Earthshine'...
The Space Station basking in blue Earthshine as the rising sun pierces our razor-thin atmosphere to cover the Space Station with blue light. I'll never forget this place…seeing this makes the heart soar and the soul sing (11-7-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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NASA astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock
NASA). Space Photo: NASA
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Space photo: Isle Juan de Nova
In the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and the African mainland. The beautiful colors rival the amazing places in the Caribbea (11-15-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space photo: Aurora Borealis
In the distance on this beautiful night over Europe. The Strait of Dover is pretty clear as is Paris, the City of Lights. A little fog over the western part of England and London. It is incredible to see the lights of the cities and small towns against the backdrop of deep space. I am going to miss this view of our wonderful world... (11-8-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Moon from the ISS
Fly me to the Moon…let me dance among the Stars…" I hope we never lose our sense of wonder. A passion for exploration and discovery is a noble legacy to leave to our children. I hope we set our sails and venture out one day. That will be one glorious day… (8-22-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Progress-37 over Bahamas
Of all the places on our glorious planet, few rival the brilliant colors of The Bahamas. Here is a view of our Progress-37 re-supply spacecraft, with the islands of The Bahamas as a backdrop. What a wonderful world (8-22-2010)! Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Astronaut working on the outside of ISS
Traveling at 17,500 miles per hour (5 miles per second)…we orbit the Earth every 90 minutes, with a sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes. So half of our space walk is in complete darkness. The helmet lights are essential at the work sight. Here I am getting the bail drive lever ready for my arch nemesis…the 'M3 Ammonia Connector'. The dance begins (8-14-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: ISS solar panel with Earth in the background
Every moment I get to look out the window at our beautiful planet, my soul just sings!!..."I see skies of blue…and clouds of white…the bright blessed day…" (6-29-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Daybreak
Another breathtaking sunset…we get 16 of these each day in Earth orbit, each one a treasured moment. That beautiful thin blue line is what makes our home so special in the cosmos. Space is cool…but, the Earth is a raging explosion of life in a vast sea of darkness (6-21-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Atoll in South Pacific
Beautiful atoll in the South Pacific through a 400mm lens. About 1200 miles south of Honolulu . In the 'Line Islands' along 'Christmas Ridge', either 'Teraina' or 'Tabuaeran'? (11-15-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Cyprus
Beautiful reflection of sunlight on the eastern Mediterranean Sea. No borders or conflict visible from space…just breath-taking beauty like this view of the island of Cyprus (6-21-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Hurricane Earl
Out over the central Atlantic, just before another spectacular sunset, with the spiral bands of Hurricane Earl visible in the setting sun. An interesting view of the life-giving energy of our sun. The solar arrays on the port side of the Space Station as well as Hurricane Earl…both gathering the last bit of energy before they fall into eclipse (8-30-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Ayers Rock
Just a little further to the east, we spotted sacred and majestic 'Uluru'. You may recognize it by its more popular name of 'Ayers Rock'. I have never had the opportunity to visit Australia, but one glorious day, I hope to be standing amazed beside this natural wonder. Can't wait to read your thoughts of 'Uluru' (10-26-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Mountain in the Andes in South America
Morning breaking over the majestic Andes in South America . I really am not sure of the name of this mountain…just was in awe of its majesty, reaching into the windswept heights and the rising sun. Another day... another chance to stand tall and be counted (10-30-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: The Nile and Egypt by day
Over the Sahara Desert approaching ancient lands and thousands of years of history. The Nile River flowing through Egypt past the pyramids of Giza up to Cairo in the delta; the Red Sea, Sinai Peninsula, Dead Sea; Jordan River; and the Sea of Galilee are visible, as are the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and Greece coming over the horizon (9-6-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: The Nile and Egypt by night
A night view of the Nile River winding up through the Egyptian desert toward the Mediterranean Sea, and Cairo in the river delta. Such a stark contrast between the dark desolate lifeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River teeming with life along its shores. In the distance... the eastern Mediterranean on a beautiful autumn evening (1-31-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Progress 39P
Our 'Progress 39P' unmanned resupply spaceship on final approach for docking this past Sunday. It was laden with food, fuel, spare parts, and much needed supplies for our orbiting outpost. The greatest gift was just inside the hatch…some bags of fresh fruit and vegetables. Such a wonderful treat after 3 months of eating out of tubes and plastic pouches (9-15-2010)! Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: view out of the cupola
Wanted to share this view out of the Cupola. We said farewell to our teammates Sasha, Misha and Tracy this weekend and they are safely back on planet Earth. Tracy in quiet reflection of an incredible journey…homeward bound…(9-26-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Soyuz 23s above the Caspian Sea
Soyuz 23S, "Olympus" docked to the nadir side of the Space Station. This will be our ride back home to planet Earth when our work is complete here. Thought I would tweet this view out of the Cupola, as we were passing over the majestic snow-capped Caucuses. The sun rising and reflecting off the Caspian Sea (9-26-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Part of the Great Barrier Reef
An explosion of color, motion, and life painted on the canvas of our wonderful world. This is a section of the Great Barrier Reef off the eastern coast of Australia, captured through a 1200mm lens. I think even the great Impressionists would be awestruck with this natural display (8-22-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Italy by night
The beauty of Italy, on a clear summer night, stretching out into the Mediterranean Sea. You can see many of the beautiful islands lit up and adorning the coastline including Capri, Sicily, and Malta. The city of Naples and Mt. Vesuvius stand out along the coast. Viva Esperia (8-22-2010)! Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Patagonia glacier
At the southern end of South America lies the jewel of Patagonia. The awe-inspiring beauty of rugged mountains, massive glaciers, fjords, and the open sea collide in a breathtaking display. I have dreams of this place and wonder what it would be like to breathe this air. Pure majesty (8-28-2010)! Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: The Cupola from the outside
The 'Cupola', attached to the nadir side of the Space Station, gives a panoramic view of our beautiful planet. Fyodor took this picture from the window of the Russian Docking Compartment (Airlock). Here I am in the Cupola preparing a camera for our late evening Hurricane Earl flyover…trying to capture the moment…(8-31-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Greece by night
The Isles of Greece during a clear night pass over Europe. Athens shining brightly along the Mediterranean Sea. A very surreal feeling to view the splendor of this ancient land from outer space (9-4-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Florida by night
The Florida peninsula and the southeastern U.S. on the kind of evening that I miss most about our planet. A clear autumn night with moonlight over the water and the sky filled with a billion stars (11-2-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Middle East by night
A clear starry night over the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea . Ancient lands with thousands of years of history stretching from Athens, Greece all the way around the Med to Cairo, Egypt. Storied lands, fabled cities, and alluring islands... Athens - Crete - Rhodes - Izmir - Ankara - Cyprus - Damascus - Beirut - Haifa - Amman - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Cairo are beacons on this cool November night. Grace and Peace from the sanctity of space... (11-7-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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Space Photo: Sunset
It is the season for viewing Polar Mesospheric Clouds, and with our high beta-angle we were able to capture this thin layer of noctilucent clouds at sunset (6-25-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock
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